I haven’t had time (*excuses*) until today to make some major updates to my website. As you can see the freshly furnished website features a menu that takes you two new sections—photography and design. I’m also thinking of introducing a third section to showcase my sciency side titled Chemistry but I’m not sure what to post yet. Let me know if you have any ideas on what to post on this website and how I can make this website better. Thanks for visiting and have a good one!
– Bobby
今天突然想起我还有网站已经一年没更新了(微笑脸),再加上最近期末考完终于闲下来了,于是给网站做了一些大改进。新的改进包括加入了一个主菜单,其中包含两个新加的页面:Photography 摄影和 Design 设计。我在考虑另外新加一个化学的页面,但是还不确定该展示什么。此外,我也在考虑如何把网站做成双语的,所以目前每个页面可能不会100%地翻译成中文。如果你有任何好的提议,比如还该往网站加些什么内容,欢迎在下面留言!谢谢啦。